Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My mind is currently overloaded in an underloaded sense

There's a lot on my mind, and it really isn't cooperating with me in trying to get sorted through all of this. First and foremost, hormones - out to get me since 2004. Am I so swayed by urges that I can't think straight? Second, Faith. Someone recently asked me why they should become a Christian. I couldn't reply. This is a gigantic warning bell for me. My excuse is that my reasons for being Christian are personalized to me [gives me meaning/purpose, is the logical thing to do]. But this means that somethings wrong... I really need to think. Third, I'm entertaining the possibility of doing the relationship thing. I don't know yet, though. I just don't know.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

two quick things

One: After a good think, I decided to stop entertaining 2 of my 4 crushes. That takes a small load off of my brain.

Two: Going to church is really lame, because I have no friends there and before/after the service is mind numbingly boring.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Bah, women

So, today I get to add another girl to the list of crushes... stupidness. I ended up in a bad situation with one of them today, one I placed myself in. I verbalized my struggle to her [I really wanted to kiss her, despite that being a baaaad idea], and she said that would cross a line, so I was able to use that as motivation to get my mind on track. I could have avoided that though. Ugh, irritation.

I just feel like I should be better than that - I shouldn't give into my hormones that easily. I have better standards than that of hedonism. Oh well. I'll shake it off and get back on track. a devo should help

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Been trying to cheer myself up recently, and it has been working pretty well. Watched The Court Jester, Moulin Rouge, Singing in the Rain, all that fun stuff. And it worked =D


Next on the list is Sweeny Todd, but I'll have to watch it with a friend... and rent the movie :\

Who haven't I hung out with in a while?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I'm exhausted, in all senses. I don't know... I just don't know. What is it I don't know? well, a friend had a breakdown today, so I stayed with him through most of lunch and all of drama. That was... fun. Another friend is likely to have one tonight. Gah... and there are more people out there who need help. I can't be there for all of them. This is really a pathetic way to end a blog, but I want a hug.