Monday, May 17, 2010

Bah, women

So, today I get to add another girl to the list of crushes... stupidness. I ended up in a bad situation with one of them today, one I placed myself in. I verbalized my struggle to her [I really wanted to kiss her, despite that being a baaaad idea], and she said that would cross a line, so I was able to use that as motivation to get my mind on track. I could have avoided that though. Ugh, irritation.

I just feel like I should be better than that - I shouldn't give into my hormones that easily. I have better standards than that of hedonism. Oh well. I'll shake it off and get back on track. a devo should help

1 comment:

  1. It really shouldn't at all, but for some reason this makes me laugh. xDDDDDD

    .....but then again, I laugh at everything.
