Sunday, April 25, 2010

Practising your lower register

Makes you speak lower. It's soo weird, but I've expanded my register by two tones - maybe more (I don't want to try going too low).

I have a dilemna right now.

"Oh Wesley, please tell us your dilemna."

Haha, well, if you insist ;)

I don't know what I want to do after High School. Rather, I do, and it's at odds with the smart choice. Here are mein options.

1) Engineer. Smart. It will give me money, and I like the idea of building bridges and railroads and stuff.

2) ...Musical Theatre. Not smart, but I enjoy singing, I enjoy acting, and dancing is also fun (but I'm no good at dancing).

Opinions? I'm confused. And should probably format my courses for next year around these things.

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