Thursday, April 15, 2010

Can't think of an adequte title.

Now, a couple weeks ago, I had a life changing event. I learned that nearly 6 of my friends were cutting/had cut themselves. This was at a time where I was moping around, dealing with my problems. When I saw the marks on my friends hands, this great guy who doesn't deserve it in the slightest, the guy who goes out of his way to make people happy, it put everything into perspective. I understand that it's an addiction, the cutting acts as a release for pent up emotions. Often, they feel worthless, despicable - and that drives me crazy. These people are GOOD PEOPLE. Who lied to them? I'm fighting even as I write this to help one of my friends. This both terrifies me and makes me want to cry. I can't let this blog keep distracting me. signing off.

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