Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Birthday to me - thoughts on life, aging, loneliness, and other totally deep stuff.

So, it's my birthday. I don't like my birthday. Why?, you may ask. Well, Mr. BlogWatcher, I shall tell you. There are a number of reasons

1) The attention. Now, I can be an attention whore, but on my birthday I get all of this fake attention that actually depresses me and makes me feel very alone.

2)The gift giving. I know people mean well but I just can't get enthused about it. I think Rachel rubbed off on me.

3)The lack of best friends. Now, I have a couple people here I could call best friends, but the real best friends are a couple thousand kilometers away. I despise every meter of it.

4)Growing up. How lame. I'm going to actually have to give thought to my direction in life, because I totally haven't done that before. I think I get myself hyped for the future, and then the future disappoints.

Seriously. I really want out of here. And this irritating void in my soul needs filling. 1-800 JESUS style.

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