Friday, February 19, 2010

Lent and phobias

I got Bioshock for my birthday. Now, I am illogically TERRIFIED of zombies, and the enemies in Bioshock are similar enough to scare me.

Seriously - that's a face only a mother could love.

On to more practical things, two days ago was Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. Now, I originally planned to give up Facebook, but the sudden lack of social contact hit me shockingly hard. I know that's a little pathetic, but my friends are far away and usually busy - hence me staying in my house so much. I changed my goals so I could go on for 30 minutes a day - 4 1/2 hours a week, a huge decline from 30+ hours.

Still feeling a little empty-ish; hopefully this angst move on quick.

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