Tuesday, February 16, 2010

[/insert murdered red ribbon here]

Alright, so I have a blog. Thank you, Karly. This will be an interesting outlet for my intense boredom/misplaced existentialism. What to say first?

I suppose I'll start by saying I successfully auditioned for the role of a socially awkward asthmatic nerd. The only thing bad about this is that I'll have to be careful about hyperventilating (which I did in the audition). Fun stuff.

Also, I despise Falsetto, and every note above the bass clef. Looooathe.

My English class was interesting - the topic of the day was beauty, and what we found attractive. Now, anything I don't find unattractive is attractive to me, but that's not the case for many. Several girls said "eyes", which is kind of awesome for me because I have the bluest eyes in existence. But, really, it'd never work out. I can just tell. I will continue to rock the single life, because I am awesome.

That's that, for now. I really need to do some devos. I'll get to that later though.

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