Wednesday, March 24, 2010


My desire to get out of this place is nowhere near as strong as it once was. This certainly makes things interesting... what does it mean? Am I finally settling in?


  1. I haven't read your blog in quite a while- up until this morning, that is.

    It's funny. You see people in your daily life, but never really think about what goes on inside them, underneath the surface.

    I certainly had no idea of the struggles you've been going through- nor did I even imagine you had such struggles.

    As for the "Girls :O" post: You say that they are very emotional, but have you even read your own blog? I think it's a cop-out for people to say girls are more emotional then guys. I think guys are just better at hiding it, girls talk; guys don't as much.

    Unless that have a blog...

    Why do you want to get out of Victoria so badly? What's waiting for you?

    I hope you're doing better... although, guessing from your last post the opposite seems to ring true.


  2. Saw this comment, replied on Facebook.
