Thursday, April 21, 2011


What does intimacy mean to you?
How important is it for you to engage in intimacy? (this can be any sort of intimacy, but keep it clean please)
How does too much or too little affect you?
Is there such thing as bad intimacy, if so what is it?
Who do you like to be intimate with?
Intimacy is being connected deeply with a person. The exchange of ideas and emotions happens with both ease and speed.

Intimacy is vital to my mental health. If I'm not allowed to be intimate with someone, I'll slowly grow more callous and cold, calculating. A fall back to my logical traits so that my emotions are protected from people who may mishandle them, as they grow very sensitive when not given a release.

Too much intimacy and I melt into a gooey puddle of affection, unable to use any critical thinking skills and just wanting cuddles. Too little and I retreat into myself, becoming a machine (as noted above).

If you're intimate and the person starts feeding you negative emotions, it can mess with your head pretty badly. I mean, if they need to get them off their chest then I'll suffer gladly, yet it's still suffering.

I only really get intimacy from one person, and she's my best friend. It's very rare in my life that I get to be intimate.

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