Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 1: Introduce, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts

Oh hello there, blog watcher! My name is Wesley, and I'm bored. Hence, CHALLENGES. Need to fight stagnation.

INTP = a Myer Briggs type

Ti = Introverted Thinking

LARP = Live Action Role Play

ADHD = Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

harf barf narf = ipso facto


1) My 'type' is INTP. Some days I like it, some days I don't.

2) On the days I don't, I have acting to help me deal with it. I'm hoping to continue with acting as a career.

3) I was raised a Christian, in the Salvation Army. I'm a pastor's brat. Not quite sure where I stand at this point.

4) I like Fedoras, and clothes that flap in the wind.

5) I'm a speed reader. I've been reading at a university level since Grade 1. I don't remember if I understood what I was reading, but I could read it.

6) I do LARPing in my spare time. I'm a battlemage, which means I'm a either a brave caster or a cowardly soldier. I use the fighting part to get over some issues I have with being hit.

7) I'm /very/ Ti, especially when I'm uncomfortable. If something happens and it's outside my social parameters, I shut down until I figure out what the hell is going on.

8) I was diagnosed with ADHD. The meds were useful for getting things done, but I feel more alive when I'm off them. In the past month I've gone from 90% to 60% in Math, because I stopped wanting to do it.

9) I hate tradition. I want to be able to form my own opinions.

10) On the above note, never try to force me to do anything, because I'll resist. I don't care how childish it is, let me make my own decisions.

11) If you want to make me do something, give me solid, logical reasons. Even if I'm opposed to it, eventually I have to follow my brain.

12) I'm perhaps one of the most sane people in the group I associate myself with. It's kinda strange, because I've always felt like an outsider, struggling with certain issues, but suddenly I'm the normal one. Funny how that works.

13) I have more pansexual and bisexual best friends than I do heterosexual. They tend to be more interesting.

14) I'm extremely open, and constantly pushing my boundaries. If you ask, I will answer. Fair be warned.

15) Harf barf narf.

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