Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 3: Your first love

Mmmph. This one caused me some trouble. What defines first love? My first big crush? My first almost relationship? My first actual relationship?

I had a crush on Kate for a year and a half, through grade 8 to grade 9. She sat next to me in science, and as I talked to her I started liking her, blahblahblah, she met another guy. Eh.

Christia, so far, is the only girl to have actually stopped my heart. we were in socials and I looked over and saw her throwing her hair back and THUMP. My heart stopped beating for half a second. Adrenaline hit me hard and the pain was swallowed... just wow. Same as Kate though, she started liking another guy, and asked us to just be friends. NOT TWO MONTHS LATER SHE LIKED ME. Damnit woman, right after I friend zoned her! ah well. She still kind of likes me.. which is pretty good seeing as it's been 3 years.

Rachel was my first girlfriend. It was almost perfect, the way we grew together in 2 months then started dating... however, it became long distance, and in the weekend we managed to get together, she spun on a dime, distanced me throughout the weekend and then broke up with me. Ow. Ow ow ow ow ow ow. I still have intimacy issues from that.

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