Wednesday, March 10, 2010


It's not a nice thing. Take that Edward Cullen fans. I'm a very cold person, in all aspects. My circulation is fail, leaving me with freezing hands (good as an impromptu ice pack) and my personality is shockingly distant. now, I have mixed emotions about this - I hate being so distant, so able to sever ties with everyone I know and love. I however, am pleased that knowing I'm so cold can shock me. It means I'm still human. I enjoy being with people, I enjoy comforting them and supporting them.... but I don't know if I would blink if walked into school one day and found everyone massacred. And I hate that.

If you have a suggestion, give me a holler. I know one solution, I just suck at implementing it.

I don't know what else to think of this. I'm devoutly Christian, I should love everyone and be without blemish.... but I'm huma, and I can't do that alone. Jesus can help me, but only if I go to him for help, which I always forget to do.

I'm so busy trying to bury the void in my life that I have no time to fix it. Or allow it to be fixed, however you see it. Bah.

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