Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Yarr harr, fiddle dee dee.

I've been pretty emo lately, and I'm pretty sick of it. I've been borderline sulky for the past couple years, and it's reaaaallly starting to work on my nerves.

The root of the problem is, interestingly, standards I have set for myself.

Now, aforementioned standards are ridiculously high; not trying to get high marks in school, or cure cancer, but trying to maintain an extremely high amount of dignity. I occasionally snicker when in choir ("mahaha, dong") but for the most part I don't allow my mind to wander down that path. Or at least, I try. Bloody hormones. The real kicker is that I have ADHD, and I, um, can't control my mind. Despite being heavily medicated (connect that statement with standards and you can guess).

...blah, i'll finish this later. time to sleepeth.

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